My “The Covid Year,” ran from March 2020 to April 2021 - until I finally got vaccinated. Given so much time in isolation, I would’ve thought I’d have managed to complete more art. Instead, I spent...

My “The Covid Year,” ran from March 2020 to April 2021 - until I finally got vaccinated. Given so much time in isolation, I would’ve thought I’d have managed to complete more art. Instead, I spent...
July 28, 2017 - Puerto Cayo Beach, Ecuador. Last evening I took my dachshund, Belle, for a beach walk. I was watching the small waves at the edge of the shore washing in and out over the rocks and...
July, 2017 - San Lorenzo, Ecuador Coast The facts surrounding events in our lives matter little. What matters are the stories we tell ourselves about what’s happening around us. For example:It was a...
September 18, 2016 - Pto. Cayo, Ecuador The life of a fisherman is one of perpetual hope. Each evening he leaves the shore for a night of hard ocean labor, hoping this will be the time he hoists in...
June, 2016 - After the April 16 Earthquake in Portoviejo, the capital of Manabi Province in Ecuador. “Estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas.”We are all made of stardust... Awakening from the...
March, 2016 - Ecuador Sigrid Tidmore’s art, paired with Phillipe Perrin’s sentiment reminds us of what it is like to be a fearless child. We can be courageous again when we see beauty and feel...
February 26, 2016 - Ecuador What else is there to say? The master has spoken.
February 18, 2016 - Manta, Ecuador Who would’ve guessed that our cave-dwelling ancestors would aspire to the traveling the galaxies? It takes fearless imagination to power a rocket ship, or learn to...
November 19, 2015 - Jipijapa, Manabi Province, EcuadorWhile painting this siesta scene of the shoeshine stand, I couldn’t keep myself from constantly yawning. Relaxation is so contagious. The dusty,...
August 10, 2015 - Pto. Cayo, Ecuador. Some days, despite my most diligent planning, the tide of life just rushes in and tumbles my schedule askew. A deluge of unexpected occurrences wrench control...