I originally designed this as a Florida holiday card. Little did I know how much young people would read into it. One young man told me this was the “marine nativity.” As he saw it, the animals...

I originally designed this as a Florida holiday card. Little did I know how much young people would read into it. One young man told me this was the “marine nativity.” As he saw it, the animals...
Strangeness is the indispensiblecondiment of all beauty. Many people don’t realize that the banana tree flowers. That’s because we’re seldom around to watch its fireworks before the bananas appear....
This painting just made me feel balanced. I’m a Libra, and these things are important. Balance is a dance in harmony with life – a continuum of mental adjustments along the road to maintaining...
While sitting on a bench in Selby Gardens, Sarasota, my gaze fastened on the roots of a Banyan tree. It reminded me of some of my daydreams – the ones that get out of control, all twisted and...
This anonymous old New England poem says it all: A wonderful bird is the pelican,His bill will hold morethan his belican. (or belly can) He can take in his beakFood enough for a week,But I’m damned...
We are here so the universe may know itself.Carl Sagan Just looking at the biological cycles of life, I always believed we were all connected, but now physicists are proving that, in fact, we are...
By the early 1920s, roseate spoonbills were hunted to the brink of extinction for their fashionable pink and magenta plumage. Ladies paid exorbitant prices for hats and fans made from their...
Ever heard the expression “Size Matters?” Don’t tell it to this guy. He figures he can compensate with bravado. Crabs are without a doubt one of the most courageous little creatures on the planet....
Monarch butterflies migrate from Canada to Mexico every winter, and on their way they pass through Florida during the season when our native sea grape bushes (Coccoloba uvifera) turn their...
Florida Blue Crabs have to be one of the most delicious local meals there is. When I first came to Tampa Bay 30+ years ago they were plentiful. Today – not so much. We used to catch the crabs...