June, 2016 – After the April 16 Earthquake in Portoviejo, the capital of Manabi Province in Ecuador.
“Estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas.”
We are all made of stardust…
Awakening from the destruction and disbelief of a 7.9 earthquake, the coastal peoples of Ecuador began to pick up the pieces. They moved rubble, cried over lost loved ones and somehow found a way face the future. It took a month before music was heard again. After two months, a band was heard playing among the UN relief tents on the old soccer field.
Life was continuing. Babies were being born. Abuelas stood guard over them that first night while their parents danced and learned to smile again. The niños were lined up on a large blanket, wrapped tightly in traditional swaddling – left to stare at the stars from which they came.
Especially during challenging times, it’s worth remembering that not only are we living in the universe, but the universe is living in us. We are all made of stardust.