Original Watercolor – 2016 Porto Viejo was badly damaged in the April, 2016 earthquake. Many people lost their lives. I visited the devastated neighborhoods the week after this terrible nightmare...

Original Watercolor – 2016 Porto Viejo was badly damaged in the April, 2016 earthquake. Many people lost their lives. I visited the devastated neighborhoods the week after this terrible nightmare...
In my favorite dreams, I’m always flying. Light as a bubble, gentle as a bird, soft as a butterfly – I’m rising up on thermals of inspiration. This is one of my “Consciousness Portraits.” Instead of...
Some paintings are just for fun, and this one certainly was fun. I love chameleons, don’t you? And I adore big funny bugs. So what could be more fun than a chameleon eating a big, funny bug?...
You think it takes a village to raise a child? Auntie can do it all by herself. With no kids of her own, she loves every kid she see…latch-key kids, single-parent kids, abused kids, lonely...
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.” – Mark Twain This is...
…And when he was up, he was up,And when he was down, he was down,And when he was only half way up he was neither up nor down.“The Grand Old Duke of York,” Children’s Nursery Rhyme One evening,...
This is the cover for a young readers’ picture book which is currently in publication. Lakeema, Lolita and Jill gain courage through a series of backyard adventures. By learning to respect creatures...
Have you ever felt like you jumped into the deep end of a project and you were in over your head? I have an annoying habit of volunteering for things beyond my current skill level and then...
I originally designed this as a Florida holiday card. Little did I know how much young people would read into it. One young man told me this was the “marine nativity.” As he saw it, the animals...
Dreams are part of our evolution. Without them we are simply just another member of the herd that will soon become extinct. This illustration, from my children’s book, “The Perfect Present,” depicts...