From June to October the humpback whales travel along the Humbolt current just off the coast of the beach where I live. Some days, driving down the coast, Ruta del Spondylus, its hard to keep your...

From June to October the humpback whales travel along the Humbolt current just off the coast of the beach where I live. Some days, driving down the coast, Ruta del Spondylus, its hard to keep your...
I could make a 100 signs with this title. In fact, I've already sold several, each illustrating a different reason life is so great living on the coast. I live on the Pacific Ocean in Central...
Everything about a blue-footed boobies' initial appearance is slapstick. Their looks and their name is fodder for endless silliness and jokes. I began painting this sign at the request of a friend,...
Original Watercolor, 2018 Our lives are filled with dramas. We are often so close to them, it is like standing next to a breeching whale. Whales seem enormous when you are close and they make a big...
Original Watercolor, 2018 For many shamans (yakchaks), the ceibo tree symbolizes the “axis mundi” – the center sacred connection between heaven and the underworld. Known as “the world tree,” the...
Original Watercolor – 2017 The Moto-taxi is a cheap, practical way for local citizens to travel in their community. But many extranjeros visiting Manabi, a ride in a Moto-taxi is as much exciting as...
Original Watercolor – 2017 If you drive down the Ruta de Spondylus, you may recognize these two entrepreneurs from the fishing villages along the coast. Or maybe you only recognize the lobster and...
Original Watercolor – 2017 A center for rural commerce, Jipijapa’s street markets sell every product and service you can imagine – except from 1-2pm. In this hour, life comes to a...
Original Watercolor – 2016 Porto Viejo was badly damaged in the April, 2016 earthquake. Many people lost their lives. I visited the devastated neighborhoods the week after this terrible nightmare...
Original Watercolor – 2016 I arrived at the beach at 6:30am because I wanted to see the fresh fish come out of the nets. But I was too late. The fish were long gone, and nets were being...