As a lifelong organic gardener, this says is all. If you want to manifest hope, plant a garden. Ecuador's coast has four growing seasons, so I get to hope everyday. What larks!

As a lifelong organic gardener, this says is all. If you want to manifest hope, plant a garden. Ecuador's coast has four growing seasons, so I get to hope everyday. What larks!
This painting is about the little things hiding in the weeds on a breezy summer’s day.Simple idea. Simple things. The whole world can blow right by us if we’re not paying attention.
Wild Florida tomatoes are an heirloom plant that will grow happily every month of the year. Their fruit is the size of a dime, but their flavor is as big as a house. Don’t bother staking up their...
Monarch butterflies migrate from Canada to Mexico every winter, and on their way they pass through Florida during the season when our native sea grape bushes (Coccoloba uvifera) turn their...
Don’t part with your illusions.When they are gone, you may still exist,but you will have ceased to live. Mark Twain I like illusions. There’s an illusion in this painting. Something not immediately...
Strangeness is the indispensiblecondiment of all beauty. Many people don’t realize that the banana tree flowers. That’s because we’re seldom around to watch its fireworks before the bananas appear....
As the bee is attracted to the flower by the unseen molecules of pheromones wafting on the breeze, so are we attracted to other people. Sometimes we’re attracted to the right people, and sometimes...
As any orthopedist will tell you, our feet were not designed to walk on artificial stuff like asphalt and concrete. They like the real thing. When we get away from the concrete, we find living...
Dr. Carol Roberts is a pioneer. Decades before anyone was talking about alternative medicine, this physician was noticing that allergies and chronic diseases could be controlled by natural...